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MAY 2016 e-News


October 3rd to October 23rd, 2016

We are delighted to announce the return of our annual online auction! 

How do I donate?
Donating an item is easy!  This year we are making it very simple – with a digital photo and a description of your item you can create and post your own listing directly on our auction website:  If you prefer, we are pleased to offer assistance with the creation of your listing. Connect with Jenny Slama ( to get started!

What could I donate?
We welcome all donations to our auction – big or small!  Are you an artist who could donate their creations?  Do you have a special skillset or expertise that could provide a service for someone?

Donation items include (but are certainly not limited to): labyrinth items, music, artwork, getaway vacations, services, books, unique products, jewelry, home & garden items, goods exclusive to your region of the nation – or the world!  It’s wonderful to have a wide variety in both items and price range.

(Please remember that part of your donation is being responsible for the shipping of your item to the winning bidder, and costs associated with that shipping. ) 

Can I spread the word?
Absolutely!  The more the merrier in this auction!  You can help us get the word out by sharing our website ( with anyone who might be interested in the auction items, someone who wants to support our mission or those who might be interested in learning more about our organization!


This month, we're excited to share a video created by Mackenzie Robinson about the making of the second Legacy Labyrinth at Omnisara. Click here to view the video.

The Legacy Labyrinth Project is a unique endeavor of Veriditas to create a network of interconnected labyrinths built for families or communities that want to leave a legacy for healing and connection.

A Legacy Labyrinth is designed and built by world-renowned labyrinth artisans to meet the needs of your community. Each Labyrinth is opened with an intentional, customized dedication and is physically linked together with all other Legacy Labyrinths by incorporating elements from other Labyrinths in the global network. People walking a Legacy Labyrinth in Argentina are also walking for those in France, the US and beyond.

Our vision is to create Legacy Labyrinths bridging all continents, connecting us in peace and in light.

When you commit to a Legacy Labyrinth, you become a Steward of this Network and a life-long partner to Veriditas.


Chris Katenmeyer
Legacy Labyrinth Project Director

For more information about Legacy Labyrinths, please click here, or contact Chris.

by Rita Canning, Development Coordinator

For May I had the pleasure of interviewing Kathy Warren. Kathy is a Sustaining Giver with a great appreciation for Veriditas and a unique experience of the labyrinth.

When did you first encounter the labyrinth?

I was in Grace Cathedral in 1991 or 1992 when Lauren, Alan Jones and some other people took that trip to Chartres Cathedral in France where Lauren moved the chairs to show the labyrinth. When she came back she had a labyrinth painted out on a huge canvas and she said “This is what it is”.  At the time I was rapidly in the process of burning myself out volunteering for too many things. There was a small group of people back then at Grace Cathedral doing just about everything. We had a lot of funerals and it was a time of very high emotional intensity. I was completely involved in it and I loved everything that I was doing. When Lauren came back from Chartres I was part of the group that was down in the basement with her. When she first showed us the canvas labyrinth I couldn’t figure it out. I could not see what was going on. It was a couple of years after that I still couldn’t figure it out. It completely eluded me why you would care. And then something happened and I don’t remember what it was but something happened. I found myself on the terrace outside Grace Cathedral.

Please tell us the story.

The first installation that they had of the labyrinth was outside Grace Cathedral. I stood at the entrance of it and I swear that arcs came right up off the payment. I felt as if the whole terrace came alive. The architecture of the place came alive and it came around me. I was brought into the labyrinth and I felt like I was flying. I don’t walk the labyrinth when there are other people on it because I don’t want to be in their way, I just want to fly around it. It’s not that I’m walking fast, but I’m moving in with the arc. I’m sort of turning and curving because the labyrinth is just coming up off the ground, the arcs actually coming up all around me and I feel like I’m soaring. There is magic in that shape. If you can let yourself be drawn into it you are soaring. You are sideways, you are in the wave like a surfer. It’s three dimensional for me every single time. I have a plastic labyrinth sitting here and I can feel those arcs coming up. It’s the magic of the shape. There’s a way where I’m not subject to gravity when I’m in those arcs. The power in those arcs is breathtaking, astounding. You can think of it as a bowl. I’m on the rings of a bowl and have to lean in.

Will you tell us a little more of your practice with the labyrinth?

The labyrinth is healing for me, and so creative. I wrote a novel on the strength of the labyrinths that are laid out on pavement. I just have to think about it and I’m soaring. I don’t know how a shape can do that but this shape, every single time, for me is so amazing. It’s so healing, it’s just astounding.

In many respects for me the labyrinth itself is a practice. It has the same effect on me of calming and soothing creativity. I can exhale and take the day away for at least a few minutes and then come back. The first thing I notice about the labyrinth is it coming up around me. And that’s what it’s about in my world. It’s about waking up your senses at a time when you can set everything behind you just for a little bit and let your self be very present in some kind of a setting that just wakes up your senses. The labyrinth is absolutely sure fire at letting people be present. 

Why are you a Sustaining Giver to Veriditas?

Veriditas is one of two charities that I give most of my contributions to because Veriditas has to stay here - because there’s going to be somebody else who life is changed the way my life was changed, by that shape. And it can’t go away. The power of the labyrinth is too important, too much to be taken away. It’s too much to lose. Veriditas has Lauren and Lauren is well aware of the importance of moving into individual spirituality and not being stopped by what’s happening in the ordinary day to day. The fire of the labyrinth has got to be out there and that’s why I’m so happy to give to Veriditas.


Any purchase from Veriditas this spring will get Free shipping just enter word Veriditas
in coupon space on checkout.

Also for Spring the balance of the Anniversary cube inventory is being sold for $18.00, but only to Veriditas shoppers, and $6.00 from each cube sold is going to Veriditas 

Spring Special runs from 3/31 through June 20th.


Selected Labyrinth items will once again be available through our online store opening June 15th.


The Global Healing Response, founded in 2005 by Council member Ellen Bintz Meuch, offers an annual theme and quarterly ideas and information to enrich labyrinth walks.

The GHR theme for 2016 is Stability 

"The world is beautiful outside where there is stability inside." -Unknown. 

Focus for 2nd quarter: Renewal


 As wave is driven by wave
And each, pursued, pursues the wave ahead,
So time flies on and follows, flies, and follows,
Always, for ever and new. What was before
Is left behind; what never was is now;
And every passing moment is renewed.  
― Ovid, Metamorphoses

Picture/symbol: Sunrise (Photo by The Rev. Warren Lynn)

Color: Green


"Little Miracles" is produced by Linda Mikell. Each month she shares an inspirational story from a labyrinth experience that is sent to her by a facilitator. She welcomes YOUR story. I'm sure you're got one, and we all benefit from this sharing. Thank you, Linda! 

Please send your story to Linda Mikell at

Booklets are available online for

$10 each plus shipping.

Proceeds benefit the Veriditas scholarship fund.


Love Veriditas and our programs? Tell your friends and "friend" or "follow" us on Social Media by clicking the icons to the right - an easy way to share the love (be sure to like and share posts with your friends) - Thank you!

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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