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Veriditas is a 501c3 non profit incorporated in the State of California in 1995 by Lauren Artress. The word "Veriditas" originated with Hildegard of Bingen and means "the greening power of life".

Mission: Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience. We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation.

Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

The labyrinth is open to all. Veriditas is committed to respecting diversity and equality, and does not discriminate based on gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, age or those who are differently able.

Our participants report that the labyrinth:

  • "Opens my heart"
  • "Centers and grounds me"
  • "Helps me know that there is a pattern of organization at work in the chaos of the current world"
  • "Receives my grief and pain and allows for its release"
  • "Connects me to that which is greater than me"
  • "Gives me creative insight to solve the problem I'm working on"
  • "Balances my energy"
  • "Revitalizes me to take on the rest of my life"
  • "Connects me with others walking"
  • "Is my path of prayer"
  • "Provides me with inner guidance"
  • "Gives me hope"

Interested in reading more? Download our Annual Reports or 6 year Review by clicking the links below:

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

© Veriditas 2025. All rights reserved.

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