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News and Blogging
from Veriditas and the Labyrinth Movement

Into the Labyrinth with Lars Howlett at the Annenberg Community Beach House. November 2021. 

Lauren Artress: A Life in Sacred Motion. Article in Generations Today, American Society on Aging.

Hear Lauren’s recent interview on KWMR radio:

Lauren's Candlelit Labyrinth Walk was featured in the San Francisco Chronicle. Read A walk with queen of the labyrinth here.

Umass installs a temporary labyrinth art installation. Click here for video

In Memoriam: Lon R. Haack 1946 - 2015. There are so many who have been touched by his life and ministry through the labyrinth, and I know that we are all grateful to have shared that special space with him.  Read more here. 

Walking the Grace Cathedral Labyrinth named in the "Top 25 Free Things to do in San Francisco by Huffington Post. Click here to read article.

Congratulations to Emily Simpson on the opening of the Centennial Park Labyrinth in Sydney, Australia. 
Read more about it here.   and here...

Sparq Labyrinth at UMASS Amherst    ... click here to read  Library Labyrinths Help Students Find Their Way To Calm

Labyrinths Featured in Huffington Post    
... click here to read 

The Labyrinth: An Ancient Path Leads to a New Documentary here to read

Labyrinth lessons: Hampshire County Jail and House of Corrections in Northampton garden puts inmates on a good path here to read

"The ancient tradition of labyrinths is again popular in the internet age" by Cathy Smith - The Evening Sun here to read

"Labyrinths: A sure path to amazement" in Episcopal News Service here to read

The San Francisco Chronicle recently featured the Labyrinths at Grace Cathedral.  Click here to read the article. 

Veriditas Master Teacher Kayleen Asbo was interviewed on BlogTalk Radio's program "The Voice of Change". She talks about mythology and the labyrinth. Click here to listen!

Lauren in Australia: October/November 2012 From Australia, click here for the latest Labyrinths Matter Down Under, Summer Edition 2011

Martha Collard's workshop featured in her high school alumni magazine! Click here to read the pdf. The story is in Dragon Tales, The Alumni Magazine of HKIS, Winter 2010/2011, Pages 3-8. Editor, Jon Walsh

Lauren's Walking a Sacred Path listed as one of Gail Sheehy's favorite books in The Week! "...The outdoor labyrinth at the Rev. Artress' Grace Cathedral in San Francisco was the inspiration for my book's thesis undefined that the caregiver's journey is like walking a labyrinth. Here, Artress identifies the labyrinth as "the inner map of knowing in women," and reminds us that its use in healing and rebalancing predates Christianity." Click here to see the article

Michaelle Scanlon blogs on Adventurous about Labyrinths and Mazes. (read...)

Lauren Artress in Finding My Religion Read David Miller's interview with Lauren Artress for the San Francisco Chronicle.  (read...)

Water Your Spirit Through the Labyrinth Read Tara Wellington's Balanced Living column on labyrinths and healing, which includes quotes from Lauren Artress.  (read...)

The Peaceful Path. Read the San Francisco Chronicle's February 28, 2003 article on Lauren Artress and how walking the labyrinth offers peaceful calm in these increasingly busy, stressful times. (read...)

Reviving Labyrinths, Paths to Inner Peace By Laurie Goodstein, New York Times front page story on May 10, 1998

Grace's Labyrinth Shows the Way. Read the San Francisco Chronicle's September 2, 1995 article on the newly installed outdoor labyrinth at Grace Cathedral.

Peace Underfoot: Taking an ancient walk to find serenity in the modern world. Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool by Lauren Artress book review in the San Francisco Chronicle June 11, 1995.

A Twisting Walk to Inner Peace on a Painted Purple Canvas By Natalie Angier, New York Times, August 29, 1992

The Path to Enlightenment: People walk one-third-mile-long labyrinth in search of clarity. By Don Lattin in the San Francisco Chronicle.

An interview introduced by Peter Jennings with Ken Kashsiwhara about the labyrinth.

Are you blogging about Labyrinths? Let us know! Send the link to

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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