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eNews Archive

Fourth Quarter 2020

2018 eNews

 First Quarter
 Second Quarter

2017 eNews

Di Williams
Eileen Flanigan
Lucia Giovannini
Tisha Strauch
ThreeNancy Ayer
Katja Zink

2016 eNews

JanuaryMichele Le Gribble DatesJean Ando
FebruaryEllen Bintz MeuchLori Yost
MarchSpecial: Argentinian Artist Mauricio Martinez Chris Katzenmeyer
AprilFelicity CollinsBarbara Ludlum
May -Kathy Warren
June Susan Viljoen (South Africa)Judith Tripp 
JulyCatherine AndersonSusan Rowland
August-Sept Susan KehoePat Jones 
OctoberLuella WagnerDeborah & John Saxon
Paul Campbell
Barbara Palmer

2015 eNews

JanuaryJo Ann MastMary Ellen Weber
FebruaryMaia ScottKathleen Pilus
MarchCathy Rigali - Prison Labyrinth ProgramHighlights
AprilLauren Artress: Celebrating our History How it all began
plus Milton Woolley on the first Men's Retreat in Argentina
Robert Ferre
MayJudith Tripp: Celebrating our HistoryGary Peterson
JuneTom Keelan: Celebrating our HistoryMary Brient
JulyDawn Matheny: Celebrating our HistoryDian Winingder
AugustVeriditas@20 Celebration report, plus Summer School report
SeptemberSelected Advanced Trained Facilitators
Approved to offer Qualifying Workshops
Nancy Ayer
OctoberThird Legacy Labyrinth CompletedCarrie Chevalier Mosher
November Richard ZweckNorma Pelz

2014 eNews

 January Carol Howard Wooton Emily Simpson
 February Community Gathering Report by Chris Farrow Noble Lee Matthew
 March Warren Lynn  Sarah Elliott
 April Chris Katzenmeyer: On the First Legacy Labyrinth Kitty Caldwell
 May Welcome to new Board Members, new Council Members Lisa Hilliard
 June Lars Howlett, plus special report from Judith Tripp on Polish WDQ Karin Mitchell
 July Laura Esculcas Cindy Cleary
 August Twylla Alexander Claudia Miller
 September Penny and Allen Seay on the Labyrinth Summer School Pam Riggs
 October Leah H. Hudson and the Omnisara Labyrinth (2nd Legacy Labyrinth) Brenda Wivell
 Centennial Park Labyrinth in Sydney, Australia, by Emily Simpson
 Facilitator Spotlight with Barrie Carter Gibby
Kathy Mansfield

2013 eNews

 June Emily Simpson: Is your Business a Labyrinth or a Maze?   
 July Marge McCathy: Labyrinths in Schools Tina Margason
 August Dolores Hanley McDiarmid: The Labyrinth and Blindness and Visual Impairment Vicki Bailey
 September Judith Tripp: The Women's Dream Quest Judy Powell
 October Emily Simpson: Interfaith Labyrinth Walk Jay Newburgh
 November Jane Westbrook Diane Jones
 December Holiday Issue: Open house 

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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