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Support Our Work

Veriditas has helped over 5,000 people experience the many benefits of walking the labyrinth. We have trained and continue to support over 3,000 facilitators, who work with the labyrinth in their local communities. Our facilitators can be found in 27 different countries around the world. 

Our six part-time staff work effectively behind the scenes to support and help grow the transformational work of Lauren and Veriditas with the labyrinth in local communities and around the world.

In order to keep our programs affordable, we rely on the financial support of people like you who understand the value of the labyrinth in today’s world.  Our operating budget is based on three income sources:  45% comes from program registration fees, 48% from the generosity of individual donors, 7% from product sales.

Sustainers Circle

Many of our donors, by making monthly donations, are members of our Sustainers Circle. Regular monthly gifts help provide a predictable cash flow to cover expenses.  This allows Veriditas to keep our attention focused on our programming, outreach, and support of those we've trained. Click on the Sustaining Gift button below to set up your monthly gift. You can also call Jenny at the office, 707-897-3005, and she can set it up with you over the phone.

One Time Donations

Our donors give gifts of all sizes, from $20 to $10,000 and more with everything in between. Please donate now!

Help us continue to gather, train and inspire people on the path. Together we can make a difference in the world.


Gifts in Honor of or in Memory

Tell us the name of the honoree, reason for the gift (celebrating a holiday, family event, special occasion, or a passing and celebration of life), and an address for notification of your gift. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a gift card informing the family or friend you designate.

Planned Giving

You can a help ensure Veriditas’ future by including us in your estate plans with a planned gift. Below are the three simplest ways to contribute to Veriditas being able to continue offering its important transformational work well into the future.
  1. Make a Bequest in your Will
    You may make a bequest to Veriditas by preparing a new will or adding a codicil to your present will. An outright bequest to Veriditas is fully tax-deductible for estate tax purposes. Unrestricted bequests allow us to use the funds wherever needed.

  2. Life Insurance
    One of the easiest ways to help Veriditas is by making us the beneficiary of your new or current life insurance.

  3. Retirement Accounts
    Retirement account assets, if left to anyone other than a spouse, may be subject to very high taxation. However, by designating Veriditas as recipient of any benefits remaining in your retirement plan, you may be able to effectively reduce the taxes on those assets.
Please consult your legal and financial professionals when considering a planned gift. They will be able to guide you in making the wisest decisions of what’s best for you and your estate.

We would love to hear about your plans if you choose to do so. Please call Jenny 707-897-3005, or Dawn at the Veriditas office – 707-283-0373.

Other Ways to Support Our Work

  • Spread the word: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Substack and Pinterest and share our events and announcements with your friends
  • Host a workshop and Facilitator Training in your area
  • Send us a testimonial about how the labyrinth has affected your life or work, that we can use to market our events

  • Participate in our annual online auction by donating items or experiences and/or bidding in the auction between October 1 and 15th
  • Do you have expertise in an area where we need a little improvement? Can you spare an hour or two to help us improve in some way - we would welcome your ideas!
  • Did you take a great photo that you are willing to let us use in our marketing? We are always looking for good labyrinth images, and photos of Chartres, Grace and other event locations. Please email those to

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

© Veriditas 2025. All rights reserved.

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