Step into the world of labyrinths! Learn the ins and outs of designing, creating, walking, and facilitating labyrinths all in one week. Stay for a single class or enroll in the full program at a discount and form lifelong connections with others on the path. Whether you want to deepen a personal practice, create a walkable labyrinth, and/or host a walk or workshop in your community, we look forward to studying and sharing with you.
Led by Veriditas Faculty and Master Builder Lars Howlett and assisted by Veriditas Faculty Brighid FitzGibbon.

July 24: For the Love of Sacred Geometry
with Lars Howlett
Deepen your connection with and appreciation for sacred geometry and learn how it creates space for the labyrinth experience.
Sacred Geometry is reflected in the patterns and proportions of the universe, our bodies and the labyrinth itself. Discover how stepping into a circle instills sacred space and tracing a meandering pathway evokes sacred time. Channel your inner wisdom by working with intention and intuition in creating sacred spaces that reflect and resonate with nature. Connect with the shapes and patterns found in Sacred Geometry including the Golden Spiral and Flower of Life. Consider the meaning and symbolism of numbers and reawaken to the beauty and profundity of simple geometric forms in our environment. Learn the best practices for using a compass and how to create a precise labyrinth.

July 25: Honoring Thresholds Qualifying Workshop
with Brighid FitzGibbon
Thresholds mark transitions, bridging exterior and interior realms. Whether they are literal stepping stones or metaphorical crossings, these "in-between" spaces invite us to pause, reflect, and deepen our awareness. In this contemplative workshop, we will explore thresholds within the sacred space of the labyrinth. Through ritual, facilitated labyrinth walks, and creative collage, we will attune ourselves to the transformative potential of honoring these moments of crossing—both within the labyrinth and in the greater journey of life. Together, we will uncover how threshold moments can serve as gateways to personal insight, growth, and courage in stepping forward.
This is a Veriditas Approved Qualifying Workshop for those seeking to attend Facilitator Training that weekend or sometime further down the path.

July 26 - 27: Labyrinth Facilitator Training
with Lars Howlett

"The labyrinth is a spiritual tool that has many applications in various settings. It reduces stress, quiets the mind and opens the heart. It is a walking meditation, a path of prayer, and a blue-print where psyche meets Spirit."
- The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress
The goal of Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training is to prepare people to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, professional and effective way. The training addresses meditative walking in a variety of settings, with a variety of different populations. It is focused primarily on the Eleven Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but is inclusive of all forms.
Walking the labyrinth is being embraced as a spiritual practice throughout the Western world mostly because of Veriditas trained facilitators. The Veriditas Facilitator Training -- which began in 1997 -- remains the most rigorous and comprehensive training offered.

July 28: For the Love of Classical Labyrinths
with Lars Howlett
Deepen your connection and appreciation for the Classical Labyrinth—the great grandmother of all labyrinths!
The Classical pattern is the oldest and simplest form of a labyrinth, treasured by a wide variety of cultures and traditions over the past four to six-thousand years. A survey of its design gets us in touch with the archetypal roots of all labyrinths and a better understanding of the basic ingredients that evoke ‘the labyrinth experience’. Led by Veriditas Faculty member Lars Howlett, we will delight in the history, evolution, and application of the Classical Labyrinth. Learn the ins and outs of its sacred geometry and symbolism including how it reflects the basic patterns of life, a journey through the chakras, and the four directions. We’ll contemplate the many Classical variations such as the Chakra-vyuha, Baltic Wheel, and Man in the Maze with photographs of stunning examples from around the world.
July 29: For the Love of the Chartres Labyrinth
with Lars Howlett
Immerse yourself in the transcendent archetype of the Chartres Labyrinth as we trace its saga and secrets through stories and studies by modern day disciples.
The most widely recreated and beloved labyrinth today, the Chartres Labyrinth is an exquisite design that has turned around the lives of countless people from all over the world. Inlaid in the Chartres Cathedral in 1200, the labyrinth has been wedded to this beloved pilgrimage site, soaking in that holy space and reflecting its sacred geometry for over 800 years. Join Veriditas Faculty Member Lars Howlett for a deep dive into the history and mystery of the Chartres Labyrinth. We’ll consider its design and variations, as well as how the center rosette and perimeter lunations took labyrinths to a whole new level. Photographs from Chartres and stunning replicas from around the globe will showcase some awe-inspiring renditions of this medieval pattern.

Veriditas has a block of rooms reserved at the Mercy Center. A link to book your room will be emailed to you in your confirmation email when you register.
Mercy Center cannot cater to specific dietary restrictions for individuals other than Vegan/Vegetarian options. If you have a food allergy or intolerance, you are welcome to supplement your meals by bringing some of your own food items. There is a refrigerator and microwave on each bedroom floor available for guest use. Please label food items with your name and the dates of your retreat.
Here is a link for directions to the Mercy Center, located at 2300 Adeline drive, Burlingame.